During a recent conversation with my friend, Rhonda, I heard myself saying that I often don’t think I can ask for help because so many people look to me for support, help, insights. As that person I have a conversation, in my head, that I must always be strong, have everything under control, put together. As I was speaking these words I stopped myself and remembered a chapter in The 13 Original Clan Mothers…I was being just like that Clan Mother…leading by example, yes, but only a one-sided example. I was leading from the competent, available, do-it-all and this is how side…a great place to lead from but I was not allowing myself room to be the good human being that I am, allowing people to see me vulnerable with needs and short-comings. Wow. That was a powerful thing for me to see and an opportunity for me to live what I have so often said is important to me…by example, in the world, actively engaged in what I believe.
I believe that we are basically good, we human beings, that we want to be loved and to love, be safe and provide safety, support and encourage each other and be supported and encouraged, that we all want to be a contribution to our family, friends, communities and the world. Time to walk the talk. So, in the last two weeks this is what I have been doing. We are in the process of moving my business which involves building a new greenhouse. A lot of details. A lot of work. My husband, Andy, has been beyond wonderful in the whole process but we had arrived at the point where he needed more than just his friend, Bob, to get the work done. Here was an opportunity to practice asking for help and allowing people to contribute. I used my e-mail groups and the business’ Face Book page and put out a call for assistance. I also used my old friend the telephone. Amazing. The response has been amazing. It has been moving. I am filled with gratitude. For years I have been saying, “people just want to contribute” but having a hard time actually allowing people to contribute to me. Reaching out and asking for what is needed has allowed my community of friends and family to contribute to me, to Andy, to the business. I do not feel diminished in anyway by having asked for assistance. I feel empowered, inspired, loved and enlivened.