Ground Hog Day

Yesterday was Ground Hog Day. A ground hog is a rodent and for all of us gardeners, no matter how cute he or she is, definitely not a welcome visitor to our gardens. Where did this bizarre ritual originate? Really, a ground hog can predict how many more weeks of winter we will have? It’s Vermont…the beginning of February…of course we will have six more weeks of winter. Heck, we will have more than six weeks of winter. The calendar might say that the first day of spring is March 20 but, last I checked, spring shows up when it shows up…slowly, in fits and starts…teasing us…one day blue sky and sunshine with a touch of warmth…the next day a major snowstorm…then back to sunshine and 60 degrees. Poor ground hog…pulled out of his warm bed to tell us what we already know…there are six more weeks, at least, of winter. Sorry, Phil, go back to sleep and stay out of my garden this summer.