
Sunrise light slants across the yard

Golden and quiet

Frosted leaves glimmer

Crow calls a greeting

Flaps his way in to view

The shape-shifter

I am the creator of this life

On this Thanksgiving morning I give thanks for this life I have created and for all those people past, present and future who have loved me, played with me, taught me, laughed and cried with me, believed in me, even those who have hurt or angered me for there were lessons there that moved me forward.

On this Thanksgiving morning I give thanks for my home, for the warmth and safety and love within its walls.

On this Thanksgiving morning I give thanks for my birth family and for the family I have chosen as I walk through these days.

On this Thanksgiving morning I give thanks for my beautiful daughter, Jaska, from whom I have received and learned so much.

On this Thanksgiving morning I give thanks for my husband of 25 years, Andy, for his love and partnership.

On this Thanksgiving morning I give thanks for the business I have built over 15 years. I give thanks for the lessons, the mistakes, the loyal customers.

On this Thanksgiving morning I give thanks that I get to do work that I love, that feeds the essential part of me, that brings joy and beauty to the world.

On this Thanksgiving morning I give thanks for the wisdom and guidance of the Animal Spirits and the Angels.

On this Thanksgiving morning I give thanks for this beautiful, blessed life.