The Sillies!

Quick! Turn her over!

Quick! Turn her over!

Five weeks into the 2013 season and The Sillies struck. BIG TIME! Everything made us giggle. Some things had us roaring and snorting with laughter. Oh, no, all is not seriousness at Just Dancing Gardens and Greenhouse. Far from it. Jaska and I laugh and sing and dance through our days and our cranky spells. Then we enroll our helpers and visitors in the Silliness! Here is to The Sillies!

Today I Am A Robot (make sure you use that machine-like voice)

Today I Am A Robot (make sure you use that machine-like voice)

Box Wrestling 101...first you put it on your head. Then you take it off and wriggle it back & forth...

Box Wrestling 101…first you put it on your head. Then you take it off and wriggle it back & forth…